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Selasa, 06 Agustus 2019


Complaint Dialogue In Aston International Hotel
Percakapan mengenai Keluhan Tamu pada Hotel Aston Internasional

F    :     Good Morning Sir. May I help you?
S   :     Actually, I just got the news that my flight will arrive at 4.30 PM but it supposed to come at 10.00 AM. I am 60 years as you see, so it will be so difficult for me to wait in the airport for such a long time. I want to occupy your room till the afternoon.
F    :     Sir, you are lucky as we don’t have any booking of that room till afternoon. But sir, as you know, 12.00 PM is our last check out time and if you like to stay more then you have to pay for that.
S   :     What ??? (with the loud voice). What the hell are you talking? Why I have to pay?
F    :     Sir, it is the rule. Sir, you will be happy to hear that you will not have to pay full room rent. If you stay till afternoon then you will be charged only 50% of the room rent.
S   :     Hey men. Don’t you know I have settle my account already?
F    :     Yes… Sir… But …
            Ya Pak…..Tapi……
S   :     What but? Listen…..hey listen to me. I will not pay a single cent for 4 hours. Are you deaf? I will not pay anymore. Is it clear to you?
F    :     Sir, I really understand your problem. But I am afraid I have nothing to do. 12.00 PM is our last check out time and if you want to stay more you have to pay, that is the rule we have for all our guest.
S   :     I have been staying in this hotel for 3 days. Your service is so poor. I will complaint against you.
F    :     We are very sorry Sir. OK… I can do one favor for you.
S   :     What ???
F    :     Sir, after 12 you can leave your baggage to us and enjoy in our lobby. And you will not be charged anymore.
S   :     Damn it man! You people are mad. Listen to me clearly. I know how hard to earn money. I will not pay anymore for 3 to 4 hours.
F    :     Sir, you can really enjoy in our lobby for the rest of the time.
S   :     No….never. I like to sleep in my room till 3 PM and I will never pay anymore.
F    :     Then Sir please be seated in our lobby. I am calling our manager. He is the right person to solve your problem. Please be sited there. Our manager will come within 5 minutes.
S   :     Ok, I am waiting. Let him come and talk to me.
F    :     Thank you Sir for your patience !

Analisis Cara Menangani Keluhan
Analysis of Handling Complaint
a.      Selalu berpikir positif dan membantu tamu anda. Hal ini ditunjukkan pada kalimat :
…. “Itu sudah peraturan Pak. Anda akan senang jika mendengar bahwa Bapak tidak harus membayar sewa kamar penuh. Jika Anda tinggal sampai sore hari maka anda akan dikenakan biaya hanya 50% dari sewa kamar”.

Be positive and helpful to your guest. It is shown in this sentence:
      …. “Sir, it is the rule. Sir, you will be happy to hear that you will not have to pay full room rent. If you stay till afternoon then you will be charged only 50% of the room rent”.

b.      Pelanggan bisa marah ketika mereka mengeluh, jadi cobalah menjadi simpatik (pengertian), mendengarkan mereka dengan sabar, tidak pernah menaikkan suara Anda atau berdebat. Jangan pernah mengakui bahwa produk perusahaan Anda cacat/rusak, malah sebaliknya, yakinkan bahwa keluhan tersebut adalah kasus yang tidak sering terjadi di perusahaan. Pada saat yang sama, yakinkan bahwa Anda memahaminya dan memberikan simpati , namun  jangan membuat janji yang ada kemungkinan untuk tidak bisa ditepati. Hal ini ditunjukkan pada kalimat :
…. “Pak, saya benar-benar mengerti masalah Bapak. Tetapi saya takut tidak dapat melakukan apa punTamu harus meninggalkan hotel paling lambat jam 12.00 siang dan jika Anda ingin tinggal lebih lama, anda harus membayar, ini adalah aturan yang kami terapkan untuk semua tamu kami”.

Customers can get mad when they complaining, so try to be sympathy, listen to their complaint patiently, do not ever raise your voice or debating with your customer. Don’t ever claim that your company product is failed, otherwise, convice them that this case is unusual in your company. In the same time, make them believe that you understand and sympaty with their problem,  but don’t ever make a promise that can’t be fulfiled. It is shown in this sentence:
      …. “Sir, I really understand your problem. But I am afraid I have nothing to do. 12.00 PM is our last check out time and if you want to stay more you have to pay, that is the rule we have for all our guest”.

c.       Selalu mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pelanggan (meskipun mereka benar atau salah), atas pengaduan yang mereka sampaikan untuk mendapatkan perhatian perusahaan (membuat Anda menjadi tahu permasalahannya). Dan katakan kepada mereka bahwa perusahaan Anda akan selalu siap untuk membantu mereka. Hal ini ditunjukkan pada kalimat :
…. “Terima kasih untuk pengertian Bapak

Always say thank to the costumer (wheter they right or wrong) for their complaints, that make you know and aware with the problem. And say to them that company will always ready to serve and help them. It is shown in this sentence:
      …. ”Thank you Sir for your patience !”

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